Earlier today armed robbers held-up the iPhone store at Cresta Shopping Centre, upon arrival, Linden SAPS and security members saw people running out the centre to their cars. They heard AK47 gunfire, the suspects 6 men – one spotter and five armed men were still inside the centre. They held up staff at the newly opened iStore and took all the iPhones and iPads by packing into bags that they brought with them.
As the suspects exited, an armed private guard for the delivery for the iPhones, saw them, and opened fire in the mall, shooting and injuring one suspect. As they ran off, he fire more shots.
The five armed men made their way out of the Game entrance and as they got outside, the armed security guy followed them, more shots were fired, the suspects returned fire. Members of the public were running for cover among the ensuing gunshots.
A second group of suspects armed with an AK47 assault rifle, were in the parking lot, they too opened and shot a bakkie and fired at the entrance of the shopping centre. Fortunately no people at the entrance sustained any wounds from the AK47 rounds.
An innocent bystander who was inside his vehicle, parked at the entrance area, was shot by one of the armed suspects. He was hit in both arms as the bullet came through the car window. He managed to get out of his car during the gunfire and got a few meters to the entrance and collapsed. He was treated by paramedics who arrived on scene very quickly and was transported to hospital for further treatment required.
One of the suspects was definitely shot but all managed to get away. Two other vehicles were involved they too sped away when the five men got to their vehicle.
The suspects bakkie was an Opel Corsa Utility registration: HPM315MP. Other vehicles involved were a dark coloured Audi A3 and a white Quantam. Registration details of other vehicles as yet unconfirmed.
Armed robbery at iPhone Store Cresta