On November 2013 at approximately 3.30pm Mr Charles Fietze who works closely with the banks on repossessed houses was delivering the property belonging to one of the his employee at a repossessed houses in Vereeniging when an unknown man approached him.
As his business is people driven the first thing that came to Mr Fietze’s mind when the man approached towards his direction was another job request. It turned out that the neatly dressed man with a hat pulled close to the man’s eyes had ulterior motives.
“I thought the man was seeking employment as many people normally approach me for temporary employment. As he was approaching my vehicle I asked the man if there was anything I can do for him. His eyes were not visible and I asked if he can remove the hat so I can see him while talking to him with the intention to listen to his challenges. Unexpectedly the man pulled his shirt and took out a 9mm firearm. By then I knew that danger is imminent and I told myself that I had to submit with everything he asks me to do. His demands were clear “if you do anything stupid I will not hesitate to shoot and kill you,” and I knew that safety is important and I must comply with the man to safe my life,” said Mr Fietze
The man demanded any valuables from Mr Fietze including a firearm which he explained to the man that he had no such weapon in him. At that Mr Fietze and his house minder’s hands were high in the sky while moving away from the man. The suspect jumped into my vehicle and tried to start run the engine, but because of the immobilizer the vehicle was unable to run the engine. He angrily demanded the deactivation of the mobilizer which was done under threats from the man. Following the ordeal Mr Charles Fietze and his employee went under the suspects sped off with the bakkie fully loaded with my goods.
Nearly five minutes after Mr Fietze made a call to the 10111 call centre, the Vereeniging police vehicle attended to the scene. While Constable Elijah Lehoko was taking down victim’s statement Warrant Officer Pieter Lourens Goosen noticed that the Mr Fietze was under enormous trauma. Warrant Officer Goosen took the victim to the police vehicle where he continued to give counselling. The caring member softly debriefed Mr Fietze and reassured him that his vehicle will be recovered in no time.
“I still remember some of his words”, he was so supportive in a way that I thought he had training in therapy. The two police officials conducted themselves more professional than I expected from a police officer. Meanwhile statements to ensure that when Detective Warrant Officer Njanyana Vanto arrives all information needed for investigation was ready, a lookout was given to members conducting visible policing around the areas to track down the suspect who was fleeing with Mr Fietze’s vehicle.
Within thirty minutes, the members had located the vehicle which had been abandoned by the suspect. Mr Fietze was informed of the recovery of his vehicle and briefed that fingerprints and other police investigations were still underway, but soon as these were completed he will receive his vehicle.
With so much professionalism experienced by Mr Fietze, he saw it importance to put pen on paper and write an appreciation letter to all role players who played an integral part. Mr Fietze explained that in many instances people are quick to ridicule and discredit the police. Currently he is one of the people who admire the efforts of men and women in blue. Throughout the time he had dealings with various SAPS members connected to Vereeniging police station, Mr Fietze emphasised that he received a very good cooperation and guidance at all the time he dealt with the police.
“That alone dismissed all the misconception about police following the good police service rendered to me by police at the scene until my car was found and taken to Houtkop street car pound”, explained Mr Fietze.
These members are some of the members who embrace the fact that, their role is not only about fighting to eradicate crime; it is also about instilling confidence and hope in people’s minds when they see a police officers. They managed to show professionalism and calm an anxious citizen when he was in fear after falling victim to crime.
All though Mr Fietze could not remember all the names of role-players including forensic fingerprints team, Captain Marda Van Rensburg Warrant Office Njanyana Vanto, Warrant Officer Goosen, Warrant Officer ShaneWalters and Constable Lohoko are some of the names was able to remember.