Where does milk, eggs and wool come from? Most city children would probably answer THE SHOPS! But the truth is that these commodities come from farms scattered all around our beautiful country.
The National Zoological Gardens of South Africa is hosting its annual Farm Programme for Grade 0-4 learners until 27 June 2014 at its Farmyard. Entrance fees during the programme are R32.00 per person for schools visiting on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and R45.00 for schools visiting on Thursdays and Fridays.
The aim of the programme is to help young children discover the importance of farm animals in our daily lives. The programme is designed to assist learners in understanding farming activities and learn about the origin of farm products.
This practical programme allows learners to learn through observation and practical learning. Different farm animals will be available for learners to see, touch and smell during the presentations. Learners will engage in activities, which include feeding of the rabbits and the pigs.
Schools are requested to book in advance to avoid disappointment. Call our Guest Relations Centre at 012-339 2773/ 2844 or email info@nzg.ac.za for further information.