On September 5, 2014 Linden SAPS’ Warrant Officer Jaco Pieterse and his crew member, whilst on patrol this morning in Blairgowrie, spotted a suspicious bakkie that was reported as stolen. Another vehicle was with the bakkie as well.
The alert Warrant Officer turned to give chase and the two vehicles with suspects sped away.
The suspects drove recklessly through the suburb, and got to 1st avenue in Linden.
The Warrant Officer and his crew managed to get to the stolen bakkie, and pulled it over, and arrested one suspect.
The second vehicle drove off with police vehicles giving chase, but the vehicle got away.
Well done to the Warrant Officer Pieterse and his crew member for catching the criminal and recovering the stolen vehicle as well.
A fine job done by Linden SAPS. Congratulations Warrant Officer Pieterse