Thank you to new Environmental Portfolio holder on PRABOA, Natalie Zimmelman of for initiating the Spruit clean-up on November 9, 2013. Over 50 bags of trash were collected which included a pool filter, a suite case, shoes, clothes and a LOT of polystyrene and plastic.
A BIG thank you again to the following volunteers for who donated their time so generously Saturday to help with the Spruit Clean Up:
David Wood, Saidi (his time provided by Andrew
Cleland) Simone Innes, Schalk Vorster, Jessica Pitchford,
Mark Ferguson, Cara Wilson, Hannah Thorpe, Karen
James, Ralf Brummerhoff, Fiona Park, Marius and
Alethea Homewood, Princess Mgudlwa, Duncan
Maepela (one of our youth!), Alulutho Nkothe (another of our youth!) and Tessa Graham
The next Spruit clean-up will take place on December 14, 2013 at 3pm to beat the heat
If you want to get involved in the next Spruit clean-up,
From Parkhurst Village: